Create a Workshop in Your Community!
This is a fun adventure with fantastic rewards! You will get inspired, energized, meet new friends, learn new skills and gain wonderful support for your art journey.
Start by finding an instructor that you would like to come and teach you new skills! Discuss with the instructor the what, when and where details of the workshop. You will get even more excited as your plans progress! Let your instructor guide you along the path in your adventure; the details will fill in as you go!

Applying for Grant Funds to Help Cover the Costs
Completed workshop grant applications will be accepted on a first come first served basis after 9:00am April 1.
Grants will provide up to fifty percent (50%) of the costs for the workshop, not to exceed $500 for one workshop per year to any group. The workshop must include at least two WSO members and a minimum of eight participants. The workshop instructor must be a WSO member/instructor or an approved instructor from outside the organization. Grants from the WSO 100 Club Education Endowment Fund are used to help offset approved workshop expenses as mentioned. A maximum of four grants are given out each year and the actual number of grants given out per year is determined by the WSO 100 Club Board.
If you have questions, need help or encouragement, please contact the Education Director at
Critique Group Workshop Forms
- WSO instructors list (updated 2/03/2023)
- Workshop instructor application (updated 4/30/2022)
- Application packet (updated 2/09/2025)