Make watercolor art part of your legacy!

Planning your estate is planning for the legacy you’ll leave. If you have valued watercolor art in your life, Planned Giving to the WSO 100 Club is a way to support watercolor art as part of your legacy. Your planned gift can share your passion for watercolor art with future generations.
Establishing a legacy gift to the WSO 100 Club through Planned Giving can also bring tax advantages, either during your lifetime or for your estate.
With a planned gift to the WSO 100 Club, you can determine the amount, and you can direct where the WSO 100 Club will use your donation in accordance with their by-laws.
- An unrestricted donation enables the WSO 100 Club Board to invest or spend the funds where they are most needed in accordance with their by-laws.
- A restricted donation supports specific activities which you choose.
- A restricted endowment provides long-term funding for your choice of either, or both, the Awards or Education programs.
With the help of your financial planner, you can choose how to make planned gifts to gain tax benefits which best suit your financial situation. For example,
- You may reduce your taxes during your lifetime by creating a life insurance policy with the WSO 100 Club as the beneficiary. By doing so, you can claim the annual premiums for this policy as charitable donations.
- You can reduce the amount of your estate subject to estate taxes by including a bequest to the WSO 100 Club in a Trust or Will. The taxable value of your estate would be reduced by the amount of your bequest. Bequests can be made outright, or in memoriam, or contingent upon an event.

As always, individual situations vary. You should consult with your legal and/or financial advisors with respect to your own situation and estate plan.
A document is available with more details about how to set up planned gifts to the WSO 100 Club. We recommend that you share it with your estate advisors.
We hope that you will make watercolor art part of your legacy through Planned Giving to the WSO 100 Club. If you have questions, or if you want to connect with a WSO 100 Club officer to discuss this, please contact us at .