by Mary Jo Vranizan, Spring 2024 Convention Co-chair

We love our conventions beause it is an opportunity to reunite with fellow artists and friends who share our love for watercolor painting. The venue for our Spring 2024 Convention offered precisely that – a cozy, intimate, and simple space for the convention events under one roof.
Most of the main events were held in the same large hall as the Spring Experimental Exhibit, a unique feature of the 2024 convention. Members and guests could immerse themselves continually in the beauty and talent of the artist exhibits that were hung on the walls of the hall as it was also the site of the reception on Friday, the juror critique sessions, the juror demonstration, the business meeting, the 5-day workshop, and the awards dinner.

The weekend’s highlight was undoubtedly the awards program on Saturday night, which announced each of the twenty winners in real-time. Juror Keiko Tanabe described the contributing features that warranted their recognition. We were able to see the recipients’ surprise and joy as their names were called, their efforts praised, and ribbons placed on their paintings.
Linda Burgel and I decided to go “old school” by booking the WSO Convention in an old school, but more importantly, in the tradition of what conventions were like in past years when it was a simple, homey, and inexpensive experience. We planned and organized the convention virtually because we live four hours away from Yachats. It required several in-person excursions to Yachats to finalize plans, and it demonstrated that any WSO member can virtually plan a convention anywhere in Oregon.

The WSO Convention in Yachats reinforced the notion that Oregon’s smaller communities love hosting our convention and would enthusiastically support and assist us in making our event a success. The artist exhibit held in the old school hall was a big hit, as tourists and locals flocked to view it during the week following the convention. In addition, visitors had the opportunity to look in on our five-day workshop, which not only increased the visibility of the WSO but also helped attract new members, and some paintings were even sold.
Despite the rainy weather, which was a minor annoyance at times, it did not dampen the spirits of those attending the convention. Participants were seen smiling and experiencing moments of enlightenment and inspiration. They were reminded of the reasons why we gather together to share our love for watercolor painting and each other.