WSO Calendar

February 2025Event
February 12025 Spring Experimental Exhibition closes for entries at 8:00 PM.
February 1Watermark to be published. Look for detailed information about the Spring Convention in this issue, or on the WSO website.
February 15Online registration for the Spring Convention opens at 8:00 AM.
March 2025Event
March 8Online registration for the Spring Convention closes at 8:00 PM.
April 2025Event
April 4-62025 WSO Spring Convention in Grants Pass, with juror Jean Pederson
April 7-11Juror Workshop with Jean Pederson in Grants Pass
April 15Due date for articles for the May Watermark.
May 2025Event
May 1Watermark to be published. Look for the Fall Exhibition Prospectus in this issue, or on the WSO website.
May 1Stan Miller workshop registration opens for Active and Lifetime Members.
Workshop is October 6–9, 2025.
June 2025Event
June 1Entries open for the 2025 Fall Exhibition.
June 16Stan Miller workshop registration opens for Subscriber members.
Workshop is October 6-9, 2025.
July 2025Event
JulyPaint! Finish your painting(s) and submit by August 1!
July 15Due date for articles for the August Watermark
August 2025Event
August 1Entries close for the Fall Exhibition at 8:00 PM.
August 1Watermark to be published. Look for detailed information about the Fall Convention in this issue, or on the WSO website.
August 16Online registration for the Fall Convention opens at 8:00 AM.
September 2025Event
September 6Online registration for the Fall Convention closes at 8:00 PM.
October 2025Event
October 1 –
December 31
Renew your WSO membership for 2026 by December 31!
October 3-52025 WSO Fall Convention in The Dalles, with juror Stan Miller
October 6-9Juror Workshop with Stan Miller in The Dalles
October 15Due date for articles for the November Watermark
November 2025Event
November 1Watermark to be published. Look for the Spring Experimental Exhibition Prospectus in this issue, or on the WSO website.
November 1Stan Kurth workshop registration opens for Active and Lifetime members.
Workshop is April 6-9, 2026.
December 2025Event
December 1The Spring Experimental Exhibition opens for entries.
December 16Spring 2026 Juror Workshop registration opens for Subscriber Members.
December 31Pay 2026 WSO membership dues by this date.
January 2026Event
JanuaryPaint! Finish your painting(s) and submit by February 1!
January 15Due date for articles for the February Watermark.
February 2026Event
February 12026 Spring Experimental Exhibition closes for entries at 8:00 PM.
February 1Watermark to be published. Look for detailed information about the Spring Convention in this issue, or on the WSO website.
February 15Online registration for the 2026 Spring Convention opens at 8:00 AM.